Showground & Facilities
RIAT is one of the UK's largest airshows. Every July, we pack the showground full of exciting flying displays, the latest aviation technology and opportunities to meet some of our inspiring pilots. Get a taste of the show below and read our top tips to get the most out of your day.
We really want you to make the most of your time at the show, which is why we have launched the Show Info Hub. Here you will find all the information you need to know about travelling to the show, information on events and happenings throughout the day, all in one place. Coming soon for RIAT25.
On The Day
Get Involved
Talk to the aircrew and ask questions. They are there because they enjoy the airshow as much as you do!
Explore the Static Displays
Enjoy a walk around the static line-up - you'll be amazed by the number and variety of aircraft on show.
Make Memories
Take as many photos and videos as you wish. If you can, use a high shutter speed to capture all the action!
Support Our Sponsors
Support our sponsors and the Royal Air Force Charitable Trust - they have helped us bring this event to you.
Showground Map
RIAT is a very large event, set on an airfield around 2 miles in length. We have tried to minimise the need to walk long distances with our free showground shuttle buses. Our marker flags every 50 metres along the southside of the main taxiway will help you navigate your way round the show and show you how far you need to walk to get there. Please see below for the RIAT25 enclosures map. RIAT25 full showground map coming soon.
- Look out for the Air Tattoo CREW around the showground who can answer any questions you may have. You will also find them at each Visitor Information Point located by orange flags 5,26, 33
- Pick up a free welcome leaflet and map when you arrive, these are given out by Air Cadets at the Entry Points
- Use the FREE bus service operating from each entrance gate and along the showground. Our Showground Map shows where the bus stops are and lists the main attractions in each area
- Use our Drop Zone facility located to leave heavy items in a safe and secure place while you explore the showground. Situated at orange flag 26, the Drop Zone is free of charge although voluntary donations are welcome
- Refuelling stations provide a number of facilities and you can find them at the SW loop and orange flags 4,13-15, 22-23,26,31-32, 37-38
- Facilities include food and drink, visitor information, FREE WiFi, cash points, Official RIAT Merchandise Outlets, picnic benches, sheltered areas, and public toilets
- Our multi-faith room can be used for personal prayer in any religious tradition, or meditation and reflection. The room is not bookable and please note that as we are an airshow, the area is not silent. You can find this facility at the central Visitor Information Point by orange flag 26
Top Tips
To help make your day at RIAT more enjoyable and to ensure a safe event, please have a look at our hints and tips below:
- Drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated during a day outdoors. Our water points offer drinking water to refill your water bottles free of charge
- A hat is advisable in direct sunlight especially for children.
- Sun tan lotion is essential, even on a cloudy or hazy day
- Some aircraft are loud! Use ear defenders or ear plugs to protect your own hearing and your children's. Purchase ear defenders from any Official RIAT Souvenir Outlet
- Make a note of which car park you leave your car in (Red, Blue or Green). Only buses & coaches are at yellow
- Make use of the large maps found across the RIAT showground - they will show you all the sights and attractions
- Tune into RIAT's own radio station Air Tattoo Live on 87.7 Mhz for the latest air show news and traffic reports
- Pre-arrange a meeting point in the show in case you get separated from family and friends
- Please put all your rubbish in the bins around the showground. We will then sort it off site, recycle as much as we can, and send the remainder to waste for energy. Nothing goes to landfill
- The erection of tents, gazebos, windbreaks and ladders on the showground can block the view for others. These items are prohibited within 10 metres of the crowdline
- The official Souvenir Programme has all the information that you need. It is available from Official Air Tattoo Merchandise and Programme Sellers
- Security personnel put your safety first. Please follow their directions and remain outside of roped-off areas
- Please remain alert to any suspicious activity, persons or unaccompanied baggage. Should you become worried by anything you see, please report this immediately to the Police, Information Point or any RIAT Official Souvenir Outlet
- Please refrain from touching aircraft and equipment unless invited to do so by the aircrew
- Please put litter in the bins provided. Debris is a serious hazard to aircraft
- You are not allowed to bring animals onto the airfield. The car parks will be checked regularly and the relevant agencies may be called if a distressed animal is found in a locked vehicle