Can I bring my assistance dog to RIAT?
Unfortunately, pet dogs and any other animals are not permitted entry to the showground, Park & View areas or official RIAT car parks. This is not only for health and safety reasons, but the vast majority of aircraft at RIAT are extremely noisy and very likely to cause distress to any animal.
RIAT is committed to being a fully inclusive event and because of this, we do recognise that some visitors will require a dog to accompany them for medical reasons.
In compliance with the Equality Act 2010, we will accommodate them in this situation via a case-by-case basis.
To proceed with an application, contact us via
Once you have done this, you will be sent a form which must be completed in order for us to collect the relevant information about you and your animal.
Following a successful application, you will be supplied with a reference number for your dog which will allow us to identify it.