Inspire Stage - Saturday


Theme: Weekenders

NB Red Arrows Display 1200



Session Name

Session Description


Opening Video Reel/ Day's Schedule



Science Show: The Future of Flying

Join Engineering TV Presenter Fran Scott, and her friends Mel and Russell in this demo-filled exploration of the technology the RAF is using to ensure that the Future of Flying is a planet-friendly one. This is 30minute long, family show with plenty of audience participation, suitable for ages 4 years and up.


Break - 10 mins



Smashing Stereotypes in Aviation: Miss UK and Miss America

Meet the beauty pageant winners who are redefining expectations with their passion for STEM and aviation. Hear their stories of breaking barriers and pursuing their dreams in traditionally male-dominated fields. This empowering session celebrates the fusion of beauty, intelligence, and ambition!


Break - Pre Video 15 mins



An Antarctic Aviation Adventure

Experience the thrill of extreme flying with British Antarctic Survey pilot Tim Below, and learn more about the scientific expedition, including a live call to the Antarctic from RIAT! A fascinating glimpse into aviation and science at the edge of the world.


Break - 5 mins



Born to (Mc)Fly: Tom Fletcher meets the Red Arrows

Tom Fletcher of McFly chats with Adam Collins from the Red Arrows Display Team about his love for aviation, space and for RIAT!


Break - 15 mins



Supersonic Fighting Falcon: 50 Years of the F-16

Join Chris “Sasquatch” Nations from LM Aeronautics for an exhilarating session on what it's like to pilot the iconic F-16 as a Test & Evaluation Pilot. Celebrate 50 years of this supersonic fighter jet with thrilling anecdotes, and technical insights.


Break - 10 mins



Science Show: The Future of Flying

Join Engineering TV Presenter Fran Scott, and her friends Mel and Russell in this demo-filled exploration of the technology the RAF is using to ensure that the Future of Flying is a planet-friendly one. This is 30minute long, family show with plenty of audience participation, suitable for ages 4 years and up.


Break - 10 mins



SaxaVord Space Port: Countdown to Launch

Learn about the progress of the build of SaxaVord Space Port in Shetland, the first UK site licensed to launch rockets. This is your chance to get an insider's look at the future of UK space exploration, and hear about the exciting missions on the horizon.


Break - 25 mins



The Red Arrows

Discover the secrets behind the displays, and the rigorous training, precision, and dedication required to become a Red Arrows pilot. Synchro Pair Reds 6 & 7 take us behind the scenes with the Red Arrows.


Break - 10 mins



On the Wing: Rory Underwood Combining Rugby and the RAF

Join rugby legend Rory Underwood as he shares his unique journey of balancing a successful career as an England British Lions player with his passion for flying in the RAF. Learn about the maths skills crucial for becoming a pilot and hear inspiring stories from his dual career in sports and aviation.


Break - 5 mins



Space Knitters!

What's the most unusual way to get a job working on a space programme? Sophie and Kate from Oxford Space tell us how knitting became high tech, and made it all the way to space.


Break - 10 mins



Digging Spy Spitfires: Learning from the past to build for the future

How the discovery of the Great Escape Spitfire can inspire future generations.

Onor Crummay and Tony Hoskins from the Spitfire AA810 project tell the unique story of early ‘eyes in the skies’ together with how their quest to recover a hugely historically significant Spitfire from the Second World War is being used to inspire and assist young people with their aerospace and career goals today


Break - 10 mins



Science Show: The Future of Flying

Join Engineering TV Presenter Fran Scott, and her friends Mel and Russell in this demo-filled exploration of the technology the RAF is using to ensure that the Future of Flying is a planet-friendly one. This is 30minute long, family show with plenty of audience participation, suitable for ages 4 years and up.










Closing Show Reel